Monday, October 13, 2008

I Want Danette's Palin Picture

It's Monday and "Intervention" must have been cancelled. Oh where oh where did it go? So now it is just football and no channel flipping.

We had a busy weekend. We stayed on the go the entire time. Sunday we went to a pig picking for my friend Danette. It was her 40th birthday (actually on Tuesday). Happy Birthday Danette. She got the best present ever. She and her family went to see Palin last Tuesday night. Her mom got Palin's autograph and she had the autograph, the ticket and a great picture of Palin all framed together. It was great. I wish I had one. Did I mention the food was fabulous and I ate two different kinds of cake?

I had another seminar today, only three hours. It was very beneficial and now I am ready to sell some real estate. Everyone is nervous about the stock market. Real estate has not ever lost 18% value in a few days. Think about it. It is a buyer's market. If you even wanted to buy some rental property now is the time. I missed a foreclosure today. I knew it was a deal and didn't jump fast enough. I'll just have to keep my eyes open.

Give me a call if you don't want to lose 18% of your investment in a matter of days,

Michelle Perkins

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