Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Donuts at 1 am

For those of you who don't know, I have this love affair with sleep. It is the greatest thing in the world. During the winter, I am not quite sure what I would do if there were no such thing. The thought of going outside when it is cold can instantaneously make me feel like a need a nap. I do not have this problem in the summer. Actually in the summer I can survive off of little to no sleep.

Not once have I chosen eating over sleeping, until last night. I was having the most vivid dream. I was at the beach and for some reason, I had run, jogged, surfed without sitting down to even catch my breath. This is odd too since I just sit in a chair all day at the beach unless I decide to try catching a wave. There are times that I am just hot and go take a dip, but otherwise, I'm in the chair. I wake up from this physically intense dream at 1:08am and I am starving. There were snow flurries at that point because I checked to see on my way to the pantry. What did I find but some Sweet 16 powdered donuts that I brought back to bed with me and proceeded to eat four of them. This can not be normal. Those were the best donuts I have ever eaten in my life. What an odd sight to wake up to hit the snooze button and have a bag of donuts staring at you.

If this happens again (or maybe a few more times) I will going to the sleep clinic cause I don't want to wake up looking like the Pillsbury dough boy one day.

Sleep sweet,

Michelle K. Perkins

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