Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas and More

It's only Christmas Eve and we have already had an unbelievable day. It was a great time at Nana's and Papa's, opening gifts and spending time with the cousins. Who could ask for more? It could end now and it would have been great.

Now for what I really have to say. I must say that my PD friends have the most unbelievable stories because they are going through life post divorce too. Us PD women have a tendency to lose our sanity at times. You hear one of these friends tell a story and wonder "what are you thinking?" If they heard you tell the same story that is what they would say to you. But when you are the one telling the story, I don't know what happens. I think a little attention from someone with a Y chromosome makes your IQ drop at least 50 points. It's unbelievable to witness and okay maybe experience. I usually consider these very intelligent women. Talk about smart to not so bright. It's like witnessing a train wreck.

I really hope one of these very intelligent women in particular reads this blog. Here's a hint. The only thing I have fallen in love with at first sight was an article of clothing at Ann Taylor Loft. I don't think that will ever change.

Merry Christmas to you all,

Michelle K. Perkins

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