Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Extra Session Required

For some reason it never occurs to me until after dark on Wednesday that the trash pick up is bright and early Thursday morning. You would think I could have a grip on this by now. I didn't think about it until I just sat down to type.

Today I was thinking about the 6 degrees of separation (maybe it's seven I can't remember). Then I pondered about different people to see it I could somehow tie us together. First was John McCain. Cindy McCain. Heinz fortune. Heinz product in my fridge. Me. There you go. As simple as that.

Next Obama. I'm stuck. I just can't make it happen for me. Maybe it's just that I don't want to make it happen. You may say, easy his wife's name is Michelle. It doesn't work for me. Did I mention the way he pronounces parts of Africa grates my nerves? That's all I will say about that.

I forget which talk show host it was, but years ago some lady claimed that she got a debilitating migraine when she heard the host's voice. Katie Couric's voice is starting to do that to me. The last time someone on TV bothered me so much was when I was either in high school or college and there was an ad for pain medicine and they had this really old lady holding an iron frying pan. She would take the medicine and then say, "I can pick this pan up." It made me crazy. Katie Couric - same affect.

I know, two blogs in one day. Since I confessed early on that this was like therapy for me, I guess today I needed an extra session.

Feeling much better now,

Michelle Perkins

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